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Board Information

Board Members are sworn to uphold Chapter 90C in the effort to protect the public by assuring all RT Practitioners meet established criteria.  Board members are appointed for 3-year terms.

Members: 8

Cite: GS 90C-5

Board Chair: Cari Sipe Owens

Board Vice Chair/Treasurer: Abena Jones-Boone

Board Secretary: Amy Albritton

Executive Director: Joan Sutton, MS, LRT, CTRS, FDRT e-mail


Governor Appointees


LRT Engaged in Training (RT Educator)

Brent Hawkins, PhD, LRT, CTRS, FDRT

UNC Wilmington- Wilmington NC


Practicing LRT

Dolly Williams, LCMHC/NCC, LRT, CTRS

New Hope Treatment Centers, Dallas NC & Rock Hill, SC

Amy Albritton LRTA, Sec, NCBRTL

ECU Health Medical Center- Greenville, NC


Nadyah Janine John, MD

Walter B Jones- Greenville, NC


President Pro Tempore Appointees
Practicing LRT

Abena Jones-Boone MS, LRT, CTRS Vice Chair/Tres                       

Durham VA Health Care System Durham, NC

Public Member

Michael Atkins
Raleigh, NC 


Speaker of the House Appointees
Public Member

Wendy Chavez


Practicing LRT
Claire Salisbury, LRT, CTRS

UNC Hospitals- Hillsborough, NC


Joan Sutton, LRT, CTRS, FDRT
NCBRTL, Executive Director
PO Box 2655
Durham ,NC 27715
336 212 1133



Board Meetings


Date of Meeting Minutes
The 3rd Thursday of each month